June Check In! Lots of Updates!

Hello! If you are on my blog, welcome to my page! Sorry for my delay in posting here, I have been traveling a lot in the last 2 months!! Some recaps below: Matrix Gaming – we are close to signing our first partnership! I started working with Matrix 5 weeks ago...

NEW CLIENT ALERT: Matrix Keyboards

Considered the “Nike of PC Gaming”, Matrix Keyboards is bringing the future of gaming products to the present. Often times, PC gaming equipment is boring, lame, and black/white. Matrix Keyboards challenges the norm and creates keyboards, mouses, pads, and...

NEW CLIENT ALERT: Zero Zero Entertainment

Zero Zero Entertainment incubates and monetizes media for the 21st Century. They partner with leading artists across the entertainment industry to develop original IPs, grow a fanbase, and roll out merchandise relevant to them. Zero Zero Entertainment brought on...